what's the matter larry?

General Questions

what's the matter larry?

Postby Watchhiller » Thu Oct 03, 2013 7:40 am

apparently my opinions are not welcome on your forum anymore.

posted a little tongue in cheek thing about tractors and reel size a couple months ago and it was deleted. not for nuthin L, but you were wrong about reel size for fluke and light salt period. sorry if you can't take being wrong but i thought this was an open forum for discussion and not 'what larry says is law' and there will be no room for discussion. i have enjoyed your show and have defended this forum and the people who add to it against trolls and nay-sayers alike with some pretty thoughtful input and even sited sources. and i'm not afraid to call bs, even on you. i deleted those posts after you deleted the reel discussion thread with no explanation.

i just posted again to the lure making forum with an opinion about Mr. Hannon's fish count and mike's comment about the contest and it was immediately deleted. sorry l, but the fish count is bs. i greatly respect Mr. Hannon and all the work he's done but the count is bs, period. and this being the second annual contest screw up, i figured i'd comment on that too. don't forget, you were the one posting fishing photos with buddies weeks prior to and after the contest was supposed to conclude last year. while some of us, who took your contest seriously and not just a bait and switch to move product, waited with baited breath after entering lures named after dead friends. that's not stealing a design, that's spittin on what someone else thought real special. probably how you felt being called a 'fish molester'.

sorry l, if the truth hurts. best W...
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Re: what's the matter larry?

Postby dahlberg » Thu Oct 03, 2013 9:47 am

Man, what ever is really bothering you, by all means do what ever you need to do to let it out, but not here. Doug was one of my best friends. I caught my first teen bass with him. He caught his first musky with me. I produced the first TV segments he ever did. The guy was a genius, with an IQ that was off the charts.
Unless you knew him personally you have no idea.
There is no right or wrong in question here. I really don't know what you are talking about, which I suspect makes at least two of us.

The entire reason this forum is here is to forward my own agenda, which is to add to the body of knowledge as it relates to all forms and levels of angling, and share it with other like-minded anglers.

Snotty, snide comments do nothing towards that end. I guess I could add another topic because that kind of b.s. gets read and might generate traffic, but like I said, not the purpose.

You are more than welcome to post here, but please respect what we are trying to do here.
Larry Dahlberg
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Re: what's the matter larry?

Postby Watchhiller » Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:15 am

well, was gonna let it lie but the snotty and snide thing pissed me off. besides you deleted that post so whose to know?

about Mr. Hannon. the 800 number is the only beef i have with anything about him. if so much as one fish in that stat was seen under water on camera with scuba no less before it was fished for and hooked and landed then, well, i won't even entertain any discussion about it. that being said, Mr. Hannon's segments were some of the most informative and interesting things i'v ever seen and thoroughly enjoyed them. at no time did i ever say anything snide or snotty about him. in fact i believe that number was a foolish representative of him and all the great things he did. i felt that it detracted from what he did. side show bull, to sell tickets. i believe all i said was that. that the 800 number was bs. i'm sorry that you thought it was an attack on Mr. Hannon.

my comments about the contest, well, if you don't get what it is for some poor shlub to enter your contest with maybe what they think is a true shot at a lure scoring. to maybe being able to provide a little better life for his/her family to not even make your own deadline for the second year of a two year old contest. perhaps let me expound hollywood. i ain't even talkin about peacocks in east japeepee. maybe just water not comin through the ceiling when it rains.

and trust me, it ain't me personally. so don't let yourself off that easy. i'm talking about all the entrees. there are great lures in the contest and some not so great. but i believe you and the rest of the people behind the contest have done all these fans/customers a disservice. again. i said it last year man, and maybe that's it. not even a tee shirt or a frickin craw bud. and this year, well whatever. don't want to fight you jefe, but if you don't see it i ain't gonna show you. alot of people shellin out what is big bucks to them for the products for some pretty shoot from the hip advice if not out flat out gettin them to guinea pig products on their dime in the open forum. for what? me and anglin archer to tell em how to do it? or rather how not to do it after we toss another proto in the trash. that's tough when it ain't free.
and you and mike know it.

peace l, you can delete my account. i'v truly gone fishing.
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Re: what's the matter larry?

Postby dahlberg » Thu Oct 03, 2013 11:48 am

Hmm. Who's to know? I am to know and so are you. If you are snotty and get called on it, then get angry I am beginning to better understand the issue.

If the outcome of our efforts are truly what you describe we've missed the mark. I sure hope not. We'd hope to give people a chance where they ordinarily wouldn't have one.

So far as I see it, we're a couple of days past the deadline. I don't see how it changes anything at the end of the day, since the manufacturing cycle is what dictates everything anyway. Not to mention, even winning is no guarantee of making $$ enough to fix your leaky roof. (Given life's priorities it might be a better gamble to use your plastisol for that purpose anyway.) The only promises we've made, we've kept. Ask Jason, last year's winner how he feels about it.
Are you suggesting you think we should send you a t-shirt? I don't know what a craw bud is, but am I to assume you would want it in lieu of, or in addition to the shirt?

By the way, the fishing trip you alluded to from one of the judges was actually an extended visit to manufacturing facilities in the far east. We are not all on the same schedule, so it's easy for delays to occur.

On another note, you could not be more wrong about the vast, vast majority or as far as I know, ANY of Doug's fish. He had wracked up crazy numbers long, long before he was shooting much underwater other than stills. (where he was one of the first to design and build "split focus" lenses for half in and half out of the water shots to compensate for the 25% change due to water)
I could tell you where and how the fish were caught but I won't do that, I will only say I can totally assure you he did not scout them out first with scuba gear,
he used his intellect and large, super healthy fresh, hot shiners. (as you may know, doug pioneered chemicals for keeping bait fresh strong)
I have no idea what 800 number you are talking about.

Anyhow, to the rest of the entrants, I too apologize if the judging us running a little late. I'd offer to refund your entry fees but there aren't any....

Larry Dahlberg
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Re: what's the matter larry?

Postby Gaebler20 » Thu Oct 03, 2013 8:32 pm

The 800 thing hes referring to is the claim that Hannon caught over 800 double digit size bass. I met him when i was a teenager and I'd have to say i believe it. Ive never met nor will i ever meet someone so knowledgable about bass fishing. Plus, a man as passionate about bass fishing, theres never been...
Larry, i agree with you completely on every level. Like you and many others, ive dedicated a large portion of my life to angling.

And for this other person, if youve never met Mr. Hannon, dont even try to contradict anything about the man. He dedicated his entire life to fishing. It was honor just to meet the man.
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Re: what's the matter larry?

Postby dahlberg » Sat Oct 05, 2013 6:19 am

Hi G
Thanks for clarification on the 800 number. If doug said he caught 800 documented over 10, I sure would not bet against it. During his heyday he had days where he boated a half dozen or more tens on his first pass around a new lake.
I thought it might have something to do with an 800 number on TV selling a snake lure or something!
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Re: what's the matter larry?

Postby hooks40 » Sun Oct 06, 2013 3:03 pm

Watchhiller, take your ball and go home....please! You've had your knickers in a knot ever since you didn't win last years lure build off. Go back and re-read you posts since then ...oh wait, they're deleted. Bye.
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Re: what's the matter larry?

Postby DirtyHarry » Sun Oct 06, 2013 4:20 pm

Larry, I think what you are doing is great and sometimes things do get delayed. It happens. I know the guy wanted a T-shirt or something. I don't, but I have one request. For those who didn't win or aren't finalist, a bit of brief feed back. It could be as short as one line. The contests mentions feedback on baits is encouraged but I not sure there is a platform for this. I know I have a lot to say about the other baits. I personally would like to know why my bait wasn't chosen as a finalist and what I could do to improve it. But then again at the same time there were a lot of entries and you are a busy guy I am as well.

Happy Fishing!

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