FAQ about Lure ingredients

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FAQ about Lure ingredients

Postby dahlberg » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:36 pm

Tough to keep up. Hope this helps!

For one piece prop bait as was seen on TV:
Hi Strength III for mold
Alumilite white resin mixed 50/50 with Microballoons to make it float.
(to make lighter, more bouyant version use 610 foam or more microballoons in resin.
(I like white because it requires no primer.)
If desiring other colors, resin may be dyed.
.055 wire or similar from hobby/hardware store for hook hanger
Props, hooks, split rings as desired.
possibly sculpey clay if you need to make your initial model.

For Jigging/surfing spoon
make model of desired insert and main outside shape. Use Skulpey clay or similar.
use alumilite putty for lead mold. Same, or HS II or Quick Set for outside "shell" mold.
You will need Universal mold release to to make 2 piece mold easy to separate.
Use resin designated as "Clear" to make casting of body over insert if you wish insert to show through.
If not you may use any of the other resins.
I use flashabou tubing for layer over insert.. Mirage sheet for head, gill. Coat with clear if using with lead and tubing alone.
Otherwise, no finish needed over tubing and insert if cast inside clear.
Also easy to use folded "foils" over inserts.
Dye can be used in clear for subtle tint or dark over tone. Tiny, tiny amount required.

For any application requiring lead, I suggest Putty.

Lightly dusting inside of mold with metallic powder before casting with super plastic resins results in very tough, metallic finish that can be painted over and clear coated.

Clear can be used for a super tough, flexible finish over paint. You have to work fast because it sets up quickly. Turn while drying. Use throw away brush.

Larry Dahlberg
The Hunt For Big Fish
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