personnel questions

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personnel questions

Postby oldjoe » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:34 am

Do you ever give the guides any of your tackle? I watch your show every time I can. I just watched a show where you were fishing for giant peacock bass. I don't remember the country but it was in a remote country on the equater. The guide dived into the water and got this giant bass loose that was hung up in the trees. You mentioned several times how he must have been a good fisherman. I would hope that you would repay him with the tackle that you used so he could enjoy fishing for these giant bass as you do. I live in Kentucky and have been blessed with 2 boys and we have fished since they could learn to walk.They are now 29 and 31 years old. I have also been blessed with many ponds that have giant bass in them.I have many times shared my tackle and tricks to those people who have let us fish in their ponds and had no idea the fish were even in them. It is a wonderful experience to see kids and their fathers to catch big bass that they were totally unaware of even being in their ponds. I would like to talk ( e-mail) you to tell you of our own hunt for big bass here in central Kentucky. It would be nice to get to share our big fish stories as well as some of our own tricks on catching big fish. Thank you for your time and God Bless you and all your crew.

Joe Altman
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Re: personnel questions

Postby Cal » Sun Feb 15, 2015 5:39 pm

I've known Larry going on 10 years, and I consider him a great friend. I am more than certain that he is generous and takes care of the guides he works with. In cases such as the man who took a dive in the drink to untangle the big peacock, I'd wager that gentleman received a gratuity commensurate with the effort he put out. Other guides also get the benefit of the bump that being featured on a show such as THFBF provides (and the tacit message that he is a guide who catches the big ones).

Dpn't worry. Larry is a good guy, and remembers his guiding days.

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Re: personnel questions

Postby Bill Crain » Sun Feb 15, 2015 6:56 pm

Let me assure you the guides and other employees would much rather have USD than any fishing tackle that they would just sell to get money. The many trips for peacocks have provided me with this info.
Bill Crain
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Re: personnel questions

Postby puckfisher » Sun Feb 15, 2015 7:10 pm

MOSt lodges or outfitters give you a recommended tip range at your location on Amazon trips. It is common for a guide to go for your fish when hung up in these waters. Sounds crazy but I think they like to do it. I always try bringing something extra for these guys. Polarized glasses, hooks of various sizes and non cotton tee shirts are what I usually bring beside a tip. theses people do not have much.
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Re: personnel questions

Postby Bob Daly » Mon Feb 16, 2015 1:15 pm

When I fished at the peacock lodge Larry was at, the owner would not allow any tackle to be given to the guides. He was worried they would catch large pecocks and keep them. Also, he collected all tips, etc.. I tried to give tips directly to the guides, but they would turn them into the owner and we would get a lecture on following the rules. In La Zona, they suggest you give all the tips to the manager and he divides them. I don't do this and have not had any problems so far. Most of them are personal friends and enjoy also a night on the town in Concordia on me. I would rather give them out individually to make certain they are receiving them. While fishing in Tanzania on the Mynera River for big tigers, the managers here also collected the tips. We were given a print out sheet regarding the distribution as the tips go directly into a bank account they claim. We got lectured here also in regards to the amount of tip! Tipping has always been a sore part of the trip as many are very happy with about 10% of the cost while others are very irate! :evil: When talking a 7-8K trip these guys are out of their minds on what they are expecting for tips.
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Re: personnel questions

Postby dahlberg » Mon Feb 16, 2015 2:46 pm

hi old joe
All the comments above from seasoned travelers are well worth digesting. In answer to your question, I've given dozens of rods and reels away to guys I've fished with, ranging from 80W Tiagras to conventional reels, not to mention thousands of yards of line, hooks, lures, etc.
I gave a large cash tip once to a very excellent guide named Sinval who worked on the Agua Boa. I got a email a few days later that he had been killed in a boating accident while driving and drinking at night with his other guide buddies.
In retrospect, the valuable thing I leave with most of these guys is a better understanding of how to pattern their fish, and most of the time, new tactics that work better than their old ones.
I'm happy to correspond with you, but it would have to be on the forum since I don't have anywhere near the time for the emails I already receive!
Thanks for the interesting post!
Larry Dahlberg
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Re: personnel questions

Postby oldjoe » Thu Mar 05, 2015 9:53 am

Thank you Larry for your response. It's nice to know you do what you can for these people that are less fortunate than. God Bless you and good luck on your big fish hunting.
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