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My version of Wiggly, looking for a numbers check

PostPosted: Tue Feb 03, 2015 2:56 pm
by aulrich
So let’s start off with the fact sculpty and I don’t get along that well. So I’ll do an non traditional route, building a model by laminating layers of 1/16” balsa.

The base dimensions are 7” x 1 3/16 “. The core of the body will be 3/16” mostly so I could have a thin fin dead on centerline, the head will be built up with 3/16 or ¼ balsa full thickness about the first 1.5” tapering down to body thickness by 2”.

Does that “feel” about right

Picture to my sketch

Orange full thickness
Yellow 3/16
Blue 1/16

Sprue and vent in scribble

Thanks for taking a look

Re: My version of Wiggly, looking for a numbers check

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:17 am
by Mike - Alumilite
My personal opinion would be to taper the yellow down (in height) a little more before it gets to the tail and possibly in thickness as well. The trick to whiggley is having the tail extremely soft and pliable which will make it swim much easier without having to absolutely burn it.


Re: My version of Wiggly, looking for a numbers check

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 3:31 pm
by aulrich
Thanks Mike.

That makes sense, so I took another kick at it or two, though not fully sold on either but I think a merge of the two might be the ticket.

The top is original concept,

I like the little bigger profile of the head section of the second drawing but I am hoping I don't give up too much flexibility . I like the looks of the fin on the third version it has a bit more profile and may flap a little more . I am thinking of extending the blue section forward to the head anywhere from .75 to 1.5 inches. I am thinking I could get away with it if I extend the pour slot most of the length of the bait (drawing 3)

Re: My version of Wiggly, looking for a numbers check

PostPosted: Wed Feb 04, 2015 8:27 pm
by aka anglinarcher
I have not tried a design like yours, but ..... I have a concern. The "swim" is at a frequency dependent on the flexibility and thickness of the lure. A super thin section is going to have a faster "frequency" then a thick section. A thin section is going to be more "flexibility" then a thicker section. Here are my concerns....

You have a much thinner dorsal fin on top of a thicker body????? If I understand your sketch correctly, it is possible that the two sections will have different "frequencies". Because one would want to swim faster then another, I see one fighting the other, or canceling the other out.

Now, if you don't mind using product, I would suggest first making one that works, more like the traditional one, then start making modifications to it and make more molds and trying it. It is possible that your concept will work great, but I have my concerns.

Dare to experiment. More is learned from failures then from success. :mrgreen:

Re: My version of Wiggly, looking for a numbers check

PostPosted: Thu Feb 05, 2015 12:28 am
by aulrich
Well oddly, I was mostly trying to stay "Traditional" :) just try and skip sculpty. At least from what I gathered from the youtube's , marginally tapered for thickness, basically minnow shaped very soft plastic and call it good, maybe not so simple.

Thanks for the catch on the head thickness, I was out there by lots , I guess it seems the head is just thick enough to show a head and gill plate detail so instead of the big difference as first planned change it too either just wood putty for some detail or at most another 1/16 th "" either side for the head (orange) and sanded slightly bullet shaped from the eyes forward

Text, digital photos and reading are cheap, mold silicon not so much, it's a long time till opening day I am in no rush lots of time to think and plan, draw and start over

I did see where someone had posted ratios length to height and length to thickness, i'll have to track those down again.