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HELLLLP!!! any pics of MR WHIGGLEY????

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2013 7:29 pm
by maddbomber
looking for still pics of Mr Whiggley. got a once in a lifetime Muskie trip this year and Mr Whiggleys not available till the end of the year. figure if i can get the still pics i can try and make ones for my trip. thanks guys, i'll appreciate any pics you might have.

Re: HELLLLP!!! any pics of MR WHIGGLEY????

PostPosted: Mon Feb 04, 2013 12:07 am
by aka anglinarcher
Tell you what, Larry Dahlberg and Mike Faupel have provided you still pictures, and three different instructions on how to make your own.

Look for "Simple Mr. Whiggley", "Advanced Mr. Whiggley", or "Complete Mr. Whiggley How-To".

If you have never done your own soft lures, don't let it scare you off. Between the how to videos and the people on this site, we can get you there.