Tingsten Powder in Lead Jigs?

Questions about Making Your Own Lures

Tingsten Powder in Lead Jigs?

Postby lmoore » Thu Dec 15, 2011 10:17 am

Hey everyone,
I stumbled on this forum as I was pondering the use of tungsten powder in lead bass jigs. I'm looking to get a leg up in bass tournaments (a neverending process!). I would like to find a way to increase the density of my finesse jigs so I can keep the low profile, but increase the weight (and therefre the sensitivity) and the fall rate. Setting up to mold my own tungsten jigheads is out of the question due to the high melting point (approx 6100 degrees F) and significant costs I assume would be associated. I've been considering the effects of additives in the lead and the effects it might have on the final product. Has anyone tried anything like this with any success of have any ideas that might work?
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Re: Tingsten Powder in Lead Jigs?

Postby dahlberg » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:36 pm

Tungsten is about 1.6 times heavier than lead by volume. I use it in both hard and soft plastic to very good effect. I've not tried mixing it in with lead when I pour, but it would most likely work. The thing is, you don't necessarily have to melt the tungsten powder, just bind it to some kind of matrix.
There may be some thickness issues when it comes to pouring a small head however.
good luck!
Larry Dahlberg
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Re: Tingsten Powder in Lead Jigs?

Postby dustedone » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:09 pm


Do be careful if smelting lead not to have the powder even close to an open flame. Although, tungsten(wolfram) in its solid from usaully poses no danger to open flame, tungsten power is highly unstable and can combust. And once ignited very very difficult to exstingish. Here the MSDS on this element. http://www.tungstenheavypowder.com/Tung ... owder.html
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Re: Tingsten Powder in Lead Jigs?

Postby lmoore » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:46 pm

Thank you for the responses guys. I think this might take some experimenting to find the best way of doing it, whch is fine because it will give me something to do over a long Iowa winter.

Mr. Dahlberg,
To your point about volume, that was one thing I was concerned about. Since the tungsten powder will sink rather rapidly, I planned to use my Lee pot with the spout on the bottom, so that I get most of the tungsten. The problem will be finding consistency with the pour. Since the jigs are rather small (I'm talking 3/8 oz and smaller), I probably won't have problems with consistency, but it's something I may have to experiment with.

Thanks for the information there. I have no idea tungsten powder was so flamable! It shouldn't be a problem unless I'm using dirty lead. In that case, the wax burns hot enough without tungsten powder added to it!

Thanks again for the help guys.
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Re: Tingsten Powder in Lead Jigs?

Postby dahlberg » Tue Dec 20, 2011 5:33 am

Hey Guys,
Tungsten powder is only flamable if it's suspended in a "dust" cloud, which with tungsten being 1.6 times heavier than lead, practically takes a hurricane to create!
I would worry more about any moisture the powder may have trapped if you are planning to add it to molten lead. I personally use tungsten mixed with Super Plastic rather than lead or any other molten material. I'm sure a good quality fast setting epoxy would work also as a matrix for the tungsten.
That being said, one must always exercise utmost caution not to breath anything that might injure you or to start either yourself or your house on fire.
Being a practical person who assumes most folks have an innate survival instict I've always felt I was insulting people if I remind them not to do anything that's obviously really stupid. But, given our present legal system and a society that includes a percentage of people who often seem incapable of holding themselves accountable for their own actions, however misguided or stupid, I probably should issue some kind of warning or disclaimer for any suggestion I might make that concerns anything with which someone might injure themselves; like choking on one of my long sentences!
good luck with your project, and ahem..be careful!
Larry Dahlberg
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Re: Tingsten Powder in Lead Jigs?

Postby lmoore » Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:04 am

I actually took the time to read the MSDS after replying last time. In the Fire Hazard section, it mentions exactly what you said. The dust is flammable, but there is very little risk of a fire under normal handling conditions. However, mixing with molten lead is probably not considered "normal handling conditions" and I've come to realize anything being used around a 700 degree lead pot needs special care! I still haven't decided how to go about this, so I may try your epoxy method first to see if I can get the density I want from that.

Either way, I'll be sure to send you the bill if I burn down my garage :wink:
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