Steel head rods. Pretty nice!

Questions about Saltwater Fishing

Steel head rods. Pretty nice!

Postby Questor » Wed Nov 09, 2011 10:44 am

Not a question, just a comment to the readers of the forum. My local Gander Mountain (big box outdoor store) is selling "steelhead rods", which are 2 piece 8.5 foot spinning rods for about $40. I was intrigued, because I do a fair amount of river and inshore salt fishing while wading, and getting some extra distance in casting is often a good thing. So I tried one. Very nice! I have been using the kind of 7 footers that are widely used, but thought I'd try one of these and I'm glad I did. You get quite a bit of extra casting distance out of these, and a little more elevation for good retrieves when I'm up to my chest in water. The only down side is that it doesn't fit in the trunk of my car. I have to keep it in the back seat.
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Joined: Wed Oct 18, 2006 12:51 pm

Re: Steel head rods. Pretty nice!

Postby Seachaser » Mon Dec 19, 2011 6:19 am

What brand?
Posts: 88
Joined: Sun Mar 23, 2008 8:33 am

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