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Good enough for tuna?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 9:30 pm
by adambomb54
For Larry or anyone else,

A friend and I are making a run to a spot called Butterfish Hole for a little offshore fun, it is just south of Montauk Point. Its a well know spot to catch bluefin tuna up to 50 lbs, albies and bonito, and mahi-mahi on occasion. I have a 7' MH Teramar SE and a Stradic 8000 loaded with 50# PP and am just curious if that set up is up to catching these burners for a day. Also since I've never fished tuna any pointers would be much appreciated. I do have a couple diamond jigs and those will definitely be used.


Re: Good enough for tuna?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 2:13 pm
by dahlberg
Your rig sounds like it should be just fine. Be sure to bring a few poppers as well as jigs and live bait.
Pull as hard as your line will allow from the get go, hang on tight and short stroke 'em in!

Re: Good enough for tuna?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:55 pm
by JayS52
No question. 50lber's with that setup should take no more than three minutes to whoop with good technique. FWIW, a little to the north of you we currently are taking 200lb fish on 65 and Stella 20000/Saragosa 14000 reels on Calstars and Super Seekers. You should be more than fine on that setup. Give 'em hell, and remember to palm the spool in the spiral, bend the blank through the grip, and never let the tip out of the water.