Plugs for Sailfish

Questions about Saltwater Fishing

Plugs for Sailfish

Postby DAVE E. » Sat Mar 21, 2009 9:55 am

I'm turning some plugs on my lathe for a trip next week, mostly building pencil poppers and chuggers for Roosterfish/Pargo. I will also be doing some trolling for Sailfish and would like to pitch a plug to them. I have never done this before so I ask your thoughts. Maybe a 5" needlefish type plug (no lip) with single hooks? Oh, just watched the re-run from New Guinea where you catch a sail on a spinning rod- AWESOME! Thanks, Dave
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Re: Plugs for Sailfish

Postby dahlberg » Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:41 am

Hi D
I've spent quite a bit of time messing with billfish and lures to the consternation of captains and crew.
Since billfish have mouths more like beaks than "mouths" when they clamp down on a lure their "lips" don't close and it's hard to hook them. It's why billfish trolling lures have evolved the way they have with a head followed by a "body-less" skirts.
I've had great success with bites and hook-ups by rigging traditional trolling designs and casting them to teased up billfish.
Larry Dahlberg
The Hunt For Big Fish
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