Quepos, Costa Rica

Questions about Saltwater Fishing

Quepos, Costa Rica

Postby trapperzig » Mon May 29, 2017 1:30 pm

Looking into going to the Quepos area of Costa Rica next summer. Would like to do a little inshore and offshore fishing, any recommendations on boats to go with.
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Re: Quepos, Costa Rica

Postby dahlberg » Tue May 30, 2017 7:50 am

Not sure who's down there then, but any of the crews with good boats will be pretty good if not really good. Most have been trained or are run by American captains and they've been at it strong down there since the late 80's/early 90's.
As far as inshore, there's a little freshwater coming in there where a few really big black snook have been caught over the years. Key for them in being in the right place on the right tide; usually river mouth during last 1/4 of incoming and first 1/4 of outgoing tide. Big tides there, as much as 4 meters, so they are really, really a big deal. Rocky areas and rock piles anywhere adjacent to where fresh water enters is a good call for roosters, jacks, snappers etc. In my own series of rods (two piece) I use 8'-8'6" two and three power with 10,000 size spinning reel gear for poppers etc where distance, line capacity and retrieve speed are issues. 300-400 size bait casters on 7'6"-8' one and two power rods. Have fun, be sure to try the guanabana juice if it's in season!
Larry Dahlberg
The Hunt For Big Fish
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