Tarpon Jigs

Questions about Saltwater Fishing

Tarpon Jigs

Postby jfaracing » Mon May 04, 2009 5:53 pm

Anybody know where to buy (or make) this hot set up: 6oz and 3 oz jig heads, lime green tiger stripe and root beer tiger stripe 4 inch shads (non break away)
Going Tarpon fishing in Boca Grande soon and I hear this is the setup!
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Re: Tarpon Jigs

Postby eric83 » Mon May 04, 2009 10:41 pm

if you check out the local bass pro, boaters world, gander youll probably find them there otherwise if you do a search on the internet you can order them/ but shpping is a killer. ive found the break aways work better cause when the tarpon jump the heavy lead can be jerked out of the mouth.I like running a large pinfish/grunt on a circle hook then off the bend in the hook rubber band a 4-6 oz lead on and when the fish strikes the lead rips free. anyways its worked in the past and boca's a great fishery. anyways hope this helps and watch out for the hammerheads and bull sharks! good luck
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Re: Tarpon Jigs

Postby jfaracing » Tue May 05, 2009 7:21 am

breakaways are not allowed in boca grande pass any longer also i've checked catalogs and internet no one
has jig heads 3oz and 6oz i have seen your shows many times maybe you could lead me in the direction of making them myself (just can't imagine how to tiger stripe the lime green shad but if anyone knows it would be you
also the large jig heads 3oz and 6oz
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Re: Tarpon Jig, s

Postby eric83 » Tue May 05, 2009 9:43 am

sorry again im not larry but here is my .02 again. I glad the fish and game didnt check my rigs, my bad for giving bad advice. most places might have them listed a halibut jigs or something like that. you could try ebay also ive seen many large jigs with 8/0-12/0 hooks. otherwise if you pour lead you could always make them. otherthan that I dont think I can help you, sorry. if you feel like macgyver check out tackleunderground.com lots of good how to's, but larry site has some good pointers aswell, just use the same molding putty for the mold, add some lead: your good to go. ive found its sometimes tough to find hooks in the syle and size needed. but make sure for the poon you use heavy hooks.if you havent done it before trial and error works but be careful. check out otherposts on this site and they have some good pointers. I usally take sculpy clay make a proto. then pour rtv in a mold around the sculpy,remove sculpy from mold, make a hole for the hook in the rtv, position the hook in the mold, pour lead.when the jig is poured you can clean it up with a file, paint as desired. sorry its not very detailed but hope it helps, good luck
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Re: Tarpon Jigs

Postby Bionic » Tue May 05, 2009 8:38 pm

There is a baitshop in Placida on the way to the Pass that will have the jigs. Most tackle shops will have them here.
The rigs are the same as the break aways except the weights are attached with a heavier duty tie so that they don't
fly off. Fishing in the pass is what it use to be. You can get into tarpon just out in front on the beaches or Captiva
Pass with live bait and not have to "battle " for position. Just me 2 cents.

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Re: Tarpon Jigs

Postby jfaracing » Wed May 06, 2009 7:24 am

thanks to all i usually tarpon fish everywhere but there i just think its time toget a taste of history considering its the most talked about tarpon spot in the U.S or at least it seems so
i was just there last week not a tarpon to be found lots of kings and snook in the phosphate docks i'm sure by now there's a bite on, now that the wind has laid down. if the six boats that were drifting the pass are any indication of the ignorance level
i guess it will get pretty exciting
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