Bio on Larry

Questions about Saltwater Fishing

Bio on Larry

Postby mother ducker » Mon Apr 06, 2009 11:02 pm


I have been watching your show all the way back to when I was in maybe 6th grade or so...when your shows were just 10 quick min long on ESPN (I'm know 31) The way you film your shows i.e slow motion, sound effects, film angles etc are unique and that is what keeps me watching! There are many new shows poping up on Versus but Hunt for Big fish and Best and Worst of Tred Barta (don't judge me) keep me coming back.
So after watching some of your recent shows and learning that you have done some of your own "research" on smallmouth bass in your neck of the woods, invented Flashabou and have a few popular flies named after you....what else have you done? Who is larry D?
BTW I am anxiously waiting for my molding putty and other lure making supplies that I hope will arrive this week. On another note I bought some Mirage 3/32 eyes instead of 3/8 so I put them in an envelope along with a prepaid envelope and sent them your way for an even exchange if possible?
I hope that with the economy the way it is that you can keep sponsors so we can all enjoy new episodes of Hunt for Big Fish!

Tight lines

Capt. Andy White
mother ducker
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Re: Bio on Larry

Postby dahlberg » Sun Apr 26, 2009 7:15 am

Hi A
I'm a fisherman, just like you, who's been at it a long time. My most significant "invention" was most likely the blank-thru, off-set baitcasting handle, but although I was issued a patent, didn't have the $ to defend it and got neither credit for the idea nor any royalties from the dozens of companies that stole the idea and made millions from it! Oh, well..
I grew up in the woods of nw wisconsin, starting guiding at age 11, still alive and still fishing at 59!
thanks for the post, and kind words!
Larry Dahlberg
The Hunt For Big Fish
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