Stuck with Snook!

Questions about Saltwater Fishing

Stuck with Snook!

Postby houzman » Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:34 am

I am sure you get sick of hearing this, but your show is head and shoulders above anything else of its kind on TV! Each and every show demonstrates your absolute love for the sport, and I appreciate you sharing your knowledge in a humble, professional manner that is delivered in a witty and often times funny way. All anyone else seems to care about is money, which causes me to care less! Thank you.

Your show the other night on Muskies was fantastic, but here in Punta Gorda, FL they are a little hard to find. I find myself stuck ( or obsessed with) snook. My personal best is 47" and I think that the cowgirl, or some modification thereof, might take me to the next level. I am thinking about something like the one you made on the show with the longest willows that they make...Perhaps you could let me know your thoughts...

Anyway, if you are ever dowm this way- maybe for Goliaths off Ft Myers- let me know. My wife is a GREAT cook!
Thanks again,
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Re: Stuck with Snook!

Postby dahlberg » Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:44 am

hi H
thanks for the post, kind words and invitation!
as you well know the only one who knows if the snookies will respond to something is the snookies!
My experience with them would leave me to believe the DCG is a little short on speed to get them to go when they're "not going" so to speak. At night if they're hunting mullet I bet it would work. Whether it would be better, again, only answered by mr S.
I've found super insane erratic behaviour, speed, speed and bottom contact the usual keys when using lures, and super finesse live bait tactics with frisky fresh bait, when using bait. But, which environment they're in dictates lots too!

Larry Dahlberg
The Hunt For Big Fish
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