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getting ready

PostPosted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 6:20 pm
by smalley
Now that the ice is unthawing here in elsie michigan, i wondered what would be the best tactic for the pike and muskies in this dam. Its mostly rock bottom, with a rock pile in the center, and few submerged storm logs throughout the water. would the best place be a washout hole down river, or right up by the dam? Also, what would be the best lure for the situation?
Thanks,best of luck,

Re: getting ready

PostPosted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:14 am
by dahlberg
Hi S
Although their behavior is similar in that they are drawn to warming water, the pike begin their spawning aggregations when the water is in the low 40's, muskies when it's closer to 60.
That being said, both will be near where they can intercept suckers. The dam being a natural barrier is always a good place to look, but not always the easiest place to catch them. Areas around the mouths of sloughs, creeks, oxbows, etc are usually the best bets, but as always it depends on what options are available to the fish! They pick the places that have best access to food and cover.
