Colors for Northern Largemouth?

Questions about Freshwater Fishing

Colors for Northern Largemouth?

Postby RyanX » Sat Jan 01, 2011 11:36 am

Dear Larry,
What are good colors to use for northern Largemouth? I fish in our own 1/2 acre farm pond and in some small lakes around in northern PA?
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Re: Colors for Northern Largemouth?

Postby dahlberg » Sat Jan 01, 2011 5:13 pm

I have yet to find a color a bass won't bite! Most of the time bass are not super selective, but at times when a particular food source is super abundant they can very hard to catch unless you match the size, appx color and most importantly the movement of that particular prey.
In most cases if the water is fairly clear, I like to more or less go with shades that are subtle and similar to the environment. But I often have the best success with insanely bright colors like orange or chartreuse, and with a bunch or flashabou in the wing.
A good general rule is dark and slow. Bright and fast.
That being said, fly fishing is best suited for surface or near surface presentations. In most environments your best surface option for good sized ones is fishing over and around deepest available overhead cover. You need a fly that is weedless enough to accomplish that. I'd be more concerned with retrieve speed, and fly size; and of course the specific spots you choose to fish than I would color of the fly.
good luck,
Larry Dahlberg
The Hunt For Big Fish
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