Musky On a Fly?

Questions about Freshwater Fishing

Musky On a Fly?

Postby beisler » Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:14 pm


First, I have to say I love your show. I enjoyed watching you on In-Fisherman growing up, and your passion for fishing is an inspiration!

Musky are the genesis of my interest in fishing. My dad and I Don't get to fish for them as nearly as much as we'd like to, but that may change with our discovery of some incredible Musky lakes here in my home state of Indiana. We made a day trip up to Webster Lake last fall. The lake is the benefactor of a great stocking program, and it shows. Although we a had great trip, we only managed to hook one fish. But, we have never seen fishing pressure like was saw that day. We usually fish the U.P. so it was a different animal to what we were used to. We seemed to do better than most that weekend, as we didn't see anyone hook a fish all weekend, but with all the pressure, it got me thinking..... Everyone and their brother was throwing bucktails, jerk baits, etc. In order to be successful, we need to do something different than the other guys! So how about fly fishing???

I've only gotten into fly fishing in the last 5 years or so, so my questions is what kind of equipment should I be looking at for Musky? Would a 9 or 10 weight rod be sturdy enough for these toothy guys? Any other advise for musky on a fly?

Thanks Larry!
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Re: Musky On a Fly?

Postby dahlberg » Mon Feb 23, 2009 6:01 am

Hi B
When it comes to choosing a fly rod for muskies, the issue isn't the fish, it's the size and wind resistance of the fly.
I've caught dozens of muskies on #7 flyrods with no problem. I suggest you choose a number 10 rod that's 9 feet long.
It will make it easier to cast a range of musky sized flies, plus should you choose to use sinking lines, they'll get down faster and deeper.
When I first started catching them on flies, about 40 years ago, the trick was finding a good leader set-up that didn't fatigue from casting. When I finally worked out using a double nail knot, bimini, and nylon coated wire was in the game.
My best advice for any would be fly musky person is to first learn how to catch them consistently on conventional tackle.
I've done a few shows on it, don't have time right now for any more details.
Larry Dahlberg
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Re: Musky On a Fly?

Postby MuskieJim » Mon Feb 23, 2009 8:20 pm

Beisler, I am from Ohio and fish a lot of the NE United States for muskies. Webster has lots of big fish, and lots of numbers as well. We fish Webster at least 2-3 times a year if we can. Send me an email if you have any questions that I may be able to help with:

We have had a lot of luck their on bigger lures: bulldawgs, double 10's, 10 inch believers, etc., so if you're tying up some big flies for muskies, make them BIG!

I use two 7/0 owner hooks connected using a piece of 110 lb. flourocarbon. Works almost like a jointed fly.
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Re: Musky On a Fly?

Postby dahlberg » Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:37 pm

Hi Guys,
The trick is to tie flies that appear big, but if their bigness or any aspect of their design makes them difficult or impossible to cast they are of little or no value. The ones I've had most success with, and I have caught many, many dozens of muskies on flies, I can cast 90 feet with a number 7 line.
Larry Dahlberg
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Re: Musky On a Fly?

Postby beisler » Tue Feb 24, 2009 8:18 pm

Thanks for the input Larry and MuskieJim! This is going to be an exciting year, with a lot of new thing to be tried (and tied)!

Thanks again for taking the time to post!

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