deer hair divers

Questions about Freshwater Fishing

deer hair divers

Postby samuel_oliver » Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:44 pm

Larry, I am taking a trip to Brazil this summer to fish the Marmelos. I tie my own flies and I heard you say on one of your episodes that you have trouble getting the deer hair divers to float in that climate. Is that correct? and if so Can you give me any reccomendations of patterns to replce the diver. Love your show. Sam
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Re: deer hair divers

Postby dahlberg » Mon Jan 26, 2009 6:39 am

Hi sam
Any deer hair fly that's supposed to float requires either the natural oil of the deer (which is bleached or washed out when it's commercially processed) or some kind of floatant to be applied.
When the air temp is maybe 100F plus and the water temps are in the low 90's or high 80's and the fish keep spitting all over them it's tough to keep deerhair flies popping with the gusto needed to inspire a big peacock.
I fashion a diving collar out of close cell foam for those circumstances, and it works out pretty well and have caught many peacocks in the high teen and low twenty pound range on them. I make long 4' strips, moving the lure as fast as humanly possible and tie the flies from a mixture of Flashabou and Big Fly Fiber. Total length of the fly is 6 to 8 inches. Mess with the design so you get the smallest head diameter that make the biggest pop and use the fewest number of fibers possible while still creating an illusion of bulk. If the size, shape or design of the fly makes it too tough to cast, re-design it so it casts better! The ones I make can be cast 90 feet with a number 8 rod by someone who is skilled at fly casting.
I have received some in the mail by well meaning tyers that look nice, but honestly, King Kong couldn't cast them 30 feet with a 16 weight flyrod!!
Good luck,
Larry Dahlberg
The Hunt For Big Fish
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Re: deer hair divers

Postby samuel_oliver » Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:06 am

Larry, thanks for the tying tips will do. Sam
Posts: 2
Joined: Sat Jan 10, 2009 1:39 pm

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