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deep water walleye release

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 8:06 am
by Bob Daly
Larry: During the fall season, I do lots of deep water trolling in a particular lake in Burnett County, WI and catch many large walleyes. Problem is many of the bigger walleyes caught from deep water tend to "blow" up and are unable to dive during release :cry: . Do you have any suggestions on how to properly release these larger walleyes.
Thanks, Bob Daly

PostPosted: Mon May 19, 2008 11:17 am
by dahlberg
hi bob,
your concern is very valid.
Back when I was on the board of the professioal walleye trail we ended up "fizzing" fish, which in my mind was not a certain cure in any way shape or form.
"fizzed" fish we held in captivity often didn't make it.
If you're catching them deep you've got two options, 1) find shallower fish or 2) use a weight on a clip to help the fish back down asap after you're unhooked it asap as well. There's a guy named Shelton in california who makes such a device, but it's fairly easy to rig one yourself out of stiff wire.

PostPosted: Tue May 20, 2008 6:04 pm
by Bionic
What about venting the air bladder like we do on grouper down
here in Florida? It is now manditory that you have the tool on board
if you fish offshore. Just google grouper venting tools and you will find
some info on it. Hopefully the same techniques can be used for your


PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:55 am
by dahlberg
The term "fizzing" is the same as popping the bladder with a needle.
The "fizzed" fish (walleyes) we kept in captivity went buns up after a few days.
Obviously for a swim bladder to function on a fish with a non-vented bladder, it has to be leak free. I'm not sure how long it takes for the hole to heal, but until it does I find it hard to believe the bladder can function properly.
Also, with a needle in the hands of a non-surgeon, it's quite possible the bladder is not all that might get punctured!