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Muskies on the Fly

PostPosted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 5:38 pm
by Fly4All
Hi Larry,

Love your show!!!!! I was curious if you have any tips on what flies to use for muskies in MN lakes, what kind of action to give them and what the world record muskie is on the fly?



PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:23 am
by dahlberg
hi f
I'm sure there are jillions of different variations of flies that will catch muskies.
I've been catching muskies on flies since the 1960's and have caught many many dozens on flies since then. My best day was one in which I made 6 casts and caught 5 from 23-28lbs!
Other times it takes hours and hours of casting.
I've caught 99% on divers. 2/0-3/0 5" Furstrip for sight fishing. 8"+ mega diver for searching.
90% super fast sinking lines or wet tip/head.
Literally every cast 100'. Mostly quick retrieve, but key is to read the fish and tease into biting.
For colors, let the fish decide.
good luck!

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:00 pm
by Fly4All
Thanks for the response Larry!

One more question for ya: On a follow what is the best technique with a fly to trigger the bite by the boat? Would a figure 8 or large circle work? Thanks!


PostPosted: Fri May 02, 2008 5:55 am
by dahlberg
hi F
I like a great big circle and all the while kind of twitching, sometimes going from a circle to a figure 8, or better yet all the way across the bow.
Just try not to slow down on the corner or turn it too tight!
WR on flies are all under 30#, most well under.
I use Mega diver and divers 99.99% of the time. Smaller stuff generally in early season, largest july mid-july on depending on type of water.
Long long casts. Pretty quick retrieve most of the time. Vary length of strip, and pauses.