Where to start or stop?

Questions about Freshwater Fishing

Where to start or stop?

Postby box » Wed Aug 08, 2012 1:42 am

Hi Larry -
I struggle with where to start and stop fishing a spot for muskies. I'll use Bald Eagle as an example (I'm pretty sure you know it well). I like the big under water point in the middle of the south end. I find myself not just fishing that spot though. I'll often fish up to it, fish on and around it, and then continue fishing off of it to the humps going into the SW corner. I've seen and caught fish on all those spots but often times I realize I've dropped the TM into the water and 4 hours later I feel I've wandered aimlessly fishing memories because "one might be on the next hump.". Im not looking to get spots on BE from you but if you're not seeing or contacting fish how would you determine where to start and stop? I hope the question or at least the philosophy (or lack of philosophy) driving it makes sense. I'm trying to be more efficient because I often only fish in short 4-5 hour trips.
Thanks - Erik
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Re: Where to start or stop?

Postby Gaebler20 » Wed Aug 08, 2012 6:49 pm

Hey Erik. Obviously I'm not Larry, but I only get to fish short trips the same as you. I usually spend 30-45 minutes at each spot
Usually long enough to try a couple different lures. I'll try yo go back to each spot at least twice depending on how many spots you have to fish.. I've caught muskies after going back to a spot 4 times... but generally never more than an hour on a spot. I'm not sure if Larry will agree. I would love his advice on this as well...

Hope this helps...
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Re: Where to start or stop?

Postby dahlberg » Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:59 am

When first learning a body of water I thinks it's very important to thoroughly define and fish each area front to back.
After spending enough time to learn what part of the piece they use I usually hit the money spot first, especially if there's lots of competition from other boats.
I personally don't like to beat on a spot. I think a few casts in the right place, and at very different speeds and/or cadence, and then moving on usually produces the best results. The time on the spot thing is also somewhat dependent on how heavy the cover is, and what the water temps are doing.
If the cover is sparse I would move more quickly. Dense cover and post frontal or bluebird it might be best to go pretty slow with reeper style lure.
Larry Dahlberg
The Hunt For Big Fish
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Re: Where to start or stop?

Postby box » Sun Aug 12, 2012 10:50 pm

Thanks for the advice. Only had a few hours to fish Sat AM - ran from known spot to known spot contacted a few fish boated one. Funny thing is he fish I caught was "where it should have been." Pulled up made two casts repositioned the boat so I could make the right cast and hooked up. Made three more casts and then ran to the next spot like it. Saw a fish there too. Hopefully more efficient fishing will up the fish per hur ratio.
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