
Questions about Freshwater Fishing


Postby bassman2011 » Wed Feb 16, 2011 11:23 pm

I'm taking a trip to Guyana to attempt an Arapaima on fly and heard you did a show for them. How did you catch them on the show? I'm planning on taking conventional tackle as well but the goal is to see if it can be done on a fly rod. I haven't found anything on the internet and was hoping you'd have some insight regarding the species. Thanks
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Re: Arapaima

Postby dahlberg » Fri Feb 18, 2011 3:34 am

Hi B
I don't have time to give you the whole low down. THey are a very interesting critter and even though I've only scratched the surface with them I could write a book about what I've observed thus far in the dozen years I've studied them off and on.
The p-nuts are pretty easy. The larger ones are very boat shy except when protecting fry.
After they are a foot long or so, they can attain weights of over 80 lbs in one year!
By far the best "bait" is bait, but I have caught them on both flies and lures.
By far the best fly was a white fur strip diver about 5" long.
Be super super super quiet. don't even talk. sit and watch for one to roll. they will do it about every 20 minutes when undisturbed. more after you spook them. After they are spooked you can forget it.
when they roll, they are not on the move. they just settle down, almost exactly where they came up.
Make on good long cast. Pop the fly about 3 times. wait for ever. repeat. sometimes slow waking stop and go crawl is good too.
The are the world's greatest vacuum suckers! They slide up and flush the toilet so hard sometimes you can feel it in your chest like a loud bass speaker!
I think they are protected by law in guyana, so be sure to check and see if it's ok for you to be targeting them.
You do not want to grab them by the jaw or take them out of the water. They stress easily, plus because they grow so fast the soft tissue where the back of the jaw and gills meet is very easily torn. If you tear it they die.
good luck
Larry Dahlberg
The Hunt For Big Fish
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Re: Arapaima

Postby bassman2011 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:23 am

I really appreciate the information. The people I'm doing the trip for are working with the government of Guyana to protect the fish, but bring revenue to the country so we've been granted permission to fish for Arapaima. Their goal is to open a sport fishing lodge, centered on fly fishing for the species. I'm taking 10-12 wt. fly rods, and a little conventional tackle. I'm trying to find a 3-piece baitcasting rod, no longer than 7 feet to take. Do you know of any products that would handle those fish and fit that description? Does this tackle seem reasonable? Thanks again.
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Re: Arapaima

Postby Dan Hanon » Sat Mar 05, 2011 9:02 am


Go to Goldrush Rods,, for your 3 piece travel rod. Dink Alston makes these rods himself, I own 3 for peacocks and he's making me 2 for golden dorado. He specializes in making top quality, 3 piece travel rods and can make them in any weight, action and configuration you need. He will make you a very nice rod for arapaima!

Keep me posted on your trip!

Dan Hanon
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