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Lure Color

PostPosted: Mon Jun 17, 2013 3:31 pm
by cuzzinfish
Hey Larry

When choosing lure color for Pike/Musky fishing, I generally have leaned on my bass fishing experience. I have observed, however, people on television and heard through talking to locals that matching lure color to water clarity and forage seems either less important or more a matter of luck. Tying on a big, hot pink lure (for example) in clear water rather smaller, more natural colors seems counterintuitive to me. Given the cost of musky tackle for the average fisherman, have you found that there are a few, select colors that produce more consistently than others? If so, would you mind sharing? Do you have any other thoughts or tips that might help?


Re: Lure Color

PostPosted: Mon Aug 12, 2013 7:10 am
by dahlberg
That's a good question. Most of the old timers and a good share of new timers would say any color as long as it's black!
Imitation of what's in the system you are fishing is always a good call, but don't forget about the role of a predator in terms of "Natural Selection" ala Darwin.
It would imply that odd looking things, things that do not belong are "selected out" by predators. It may explain why hot orange, chartreuse, etc are often the most effective colors.
Personally, I put color below speed, action, size, but do admit at times one colors does seem to out produce others. The problem is it seems like it's never the same color twice!!