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Fishing Lures?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 10:29 am
by Jigfishn10
Hey Larry,

I noticed on your shows that when you fish lures you tend to fish some type of reaction type lure over a bottom contact type bait, would that be a fair statement? Even soft plastics I noticed you tend to use a swimming type retireve than a dragging/bottom bouncing retrieve. Do you feel you have a better chance with that type of presentation?



Re: Fishing Lures?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:37 am
by dahlberg
Hi J
that's a great observation and question as well. On camera, and in real life visible strike are always the bite of choice.
In my way of looking at things, all strikes are "reaction" strikes. They simply differ in what type of stimulus it took to incite a reaction!
Believe me, when I'm in fresh water and especially if i'm fishing for dinner I do lots of bottom bumping, both with jigs and cranks.
It's most certainly one of most powerful universal "triggers", be it at zero or six miles per hour.

Re: Fishing Lures?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 6:48 am
by Jigfishn10
Thank you, you certainly had me fooled :P and I can see why you would use those types of lures while filming a show, for sure.

For me, there is nothing like a topwater bite. :P